Certified Supplier (JSRS CSN) - Support

Certified Supplier (JSRS CSN) - Support

Adding more Products & Services to the JSRS Certification

1. The JSRS Certification is issued against your Approved Products & Services based on the criteria assigned.

2. If you would like to add further Products & Services, post being JSRS Certified, first add all the Product / Service to the JSRS Company Profile, then go to the Validation Bank on the Dashboard (Tier 2) and open the Products & Services Section and apply for the new approval process. Please make sure all related documents are uploaded. You can check out this video link on ''Adding & Submitting your Products/Services for JSRS Validation''

3. Follow the Diligence process from the Certifications Department by regularly checking on the Validation feedback on the Portal.

4. Your Approved Products and Services can be viewed from the QR Code on your JSRS Certificate.

Note: Approval of products or services is subject to the registered and licensed activities as per your company documentation submitted. If the submitted company documents do not cover the product/service scope that you recently added, then you should update the company documents during the product/service approval submission.

Access to Tender Opportunities on the JSRS CSN

1. The JSRS CSN are constantly targeted by O&G Operators, Other Industry Buyers, EPCs, Contractors & Sub-Contractors for Tender Invitations across various Sectors, Products & Services. These Tenders through a RFX system reaches your JSRS Dashboard through Notifications and under ‘Procurement Invites’ section.

2. The inquiries are listed into tabs such as "Operator", "Contractor", "Buyer Community" and so on, and you should click on each tab to open the appropriate inquiries.

a. The enquiries posted under "Procurement Invite" require submission of your response on JSRS itself within the closing date displayed on the enquiry.

b. There will be no offline submissions accepted.

c. Participation of these enquiries are subject to the validity of your JSRS Certification or the Payment of JSRS -CMS Success Fee before its due date. So please make sure the JSRS Certification is Valid and All the pending fees are cleared before the closing date of the enquiry to participate in it.

3. The JSRS Buyers and Contractors also announce some other tenders other than through the ‘Procurement Invite', which will be available under the heading "Tender Announcement" and the enquiries that you are participating in here will be directly with the JSRS Buyer or contractor as mentioned in the Tender Announcement.

4. Should you be subscribed to GCC Tenders Service on the JSRS, your Tenders floated will be seen on the Tenders Page->GCC Tender Section.

5. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to raise a Support Ticket on JSRS Support System by sending an email  to jsrs@businessgateways.com. The Support Ticket is an efficient way to track your resolution.

Apply for Additional Certifications on JSRS

1. The JSRS Tier-3 offers certain Additional Certifications for those Suppliers who are already JSRS Certified on the JSRS CSN.

2. Additional Certifications currently on the JSRS include LCC Certifications and Zonal Certifications.

3. Visit the Additional Certifications Page from the JSRS Dashboard and follow the process of compliance against each Certification.

Understand In-Country Value (ICV) Opportunities

1.The ICV based SME/LCC Obligation Opportunities are specifically floated to Omani SMEs and Local Community Contractors (LCCs) by the  Operators and the Contractors Communities wherein a certain percentage of the Contracts are reserved for Omani SME/LCCs.

2. These Tender Opportunities should be responded to only through the JSRS eBid System based on the criteria provided.

3. Visit the Procurement Invite->ETender for further information on how to participate on such Tenders.

4. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to raise a Support Ticket on JSRS Support System by sending an email  to jsrs@businessgateways.com. The Support Ticket is an efficient way to track your resolution.

Avail Corporate Services on the JSRS CSN

1. The JSRS CSN contains multiple Corporate Services for the benefit of JSRS Certified Suppliers meeting their various strategic and operational  needs. They include B2B Services, Advertisement Services, GCC Open Tenders Services, globeconnect initiative, and many more.

2. The JSRS Dashboard has the respective links to each of the Services that you may want to avail. Please note that some of the Corporate Services  are paid Services.

3. For faster response, please write to jsrs@businessgateways.com with your interest to avail any of the Corporate Services and the team shall revert  with feedback. 

Attend JSRS Training

JSRS Support Team conducts regular Training Sessions (Online) explaining in-depth the various JSRS functions and processes for the benefit of all Suppliers. Please check on ''JSRS Connect Link'' on your Dashboard to know when the next Training session is scheduled so that you can attend.

Renew JSRS Certificate

1. Valid (Active) JSRS Certificate is a Mandatory requirement at all times should you need to participate in Tender Bids or be awarded any Contract within the Oil & Gas Industry opportunities in Oman.

2. You can renew your JSRS Certificate 6 months prior to its expiry to ensure that the validity of the certificate remains uninterrupted.

 Note: The Renewal Pop-up/Notification in the application will appear only 1 month before the subscription expiry date.

3. Click on Renew on the JSRS Enterprise Admin module and follow the same Payment process and the Diligence process like the Fresh Registration and Certification.

4. Please visit: https://businessgateways.com/JSRS-renewal to fill and submit the Renewal form.

5. Go to Validation Bank by clicking on Quick Links on the Dashboard. You can see the Declined Comments Summary there.

6. Only the Sections with Declined Comments will be listed inside the Validation Bank.

7. You can directly email our Renewal team at jsrsrenewal@businessgateways.com for any further assistance.

8. Please note that Renewal of JSRS Certification can take 3-4 Weeks, so we encourage you to start the process early.

9. For Suppliers with JSRS Expired Certificates (beyond the grace period of 10 Days), you will not gain access to any other features on the JSRS except for Renewal Process. Please note that Expired Certification Renewal process takes a significantly longer time to process.

10. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to raise a Support Ticket on JSRS Support System by sending an email   to jsrs@businessgateways.com. The Support Ticket is an efficient way to track your resolution.

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